Morning Worship is held every Sunday at 10.30am
 You are warmly welcome to join with us. 
If you would like to contact us or respond to anything in our services 
please do so via this EMail

 Open Door
Open  Tuesday Mornings from 10am through to 12 midday
in front entrance area of the church
Come and enjoy a drink / cake and a chat

Room Hire
The church hall and rooms have some availability for 
Enquiries for room hire should in the first instance be made
hiring during the week (Monday - Friday).
There is currently no availability on a Saturday or Sunday.

by email to

Thank you for visiting our web site.
Please use the tabs to navigate around our pages.

Our website covers  a variety of aspects  and details of our church life.
We hope you will find this informative and of interest  and to you. 

If you wish to contact us please click on  the Contact Us tab above.

Our Church is a member of  Kennet & Test Valley Circuit
within the Southampton District of The Methodist Church of Great Britain



Daily Message

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Hebrews 12:1

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Evergreen Programme

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